Abrol, Nirad
Charity Project Manager @ charity "Maslaha", School with Roots programme
Nirad is 23, lives in Birmingham and grew up in a Jamaican and Indian household. He works as Project Manager with the charity Maslaha on their School with Roots programme. Through this he works directly in primary schools and with trainee teachers. He is a member of the grassroots Black-led and abolitionist group No More Exclusions. He is an observer with Jamaica LANDS. He is also a marketing and publicity assistant for the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund. He is a teacher at The Children of the Sun Saturday School in North Birmingham. His introduction to Jamaican history began at home and he studied this further through an undergraduate geography degree in London and on Occupied Ohlone Land.
Geographical location : Birmingham
Research Area and Interest :
Social Media
- Summary:
- Summary: A workshop to share early stage research into the creation of pedagogical tools that are being designed for teachers based on archival research about community organisations and radicals emerging, involved and developed before, during and after the 1981 uprisings in England. The purpose of this project is to create pedagogical tools drawn from a selection of archival material and interviews relating to and surrounding the 1981 uprisings. These tools will support and supplement frontline educators to think about a Black studies approach to their pedagogy in public, private and professional situations. The uprisings, based on Rupert Lewis’ experience of the radical seventies in the Caribbean, falls near the end of that “decade”. The insurrections that occurred were reflective of the revolutionary activity of African and other colonised people at that time. The regional and international complexity and lessons of this period have so far not been transformed into tools and learning materials for younger people. This has led to the spread of a neoliberal programme across the English education system leading to an expansion of the number of police in schools and school exclusions which disproportionately affect African students. This research project will serve as a proof of concept for future work that seeks to explore the pedagogical and historical heritage of community institutions and social movements in England. Participants will be invited to take part, learn, critique and take home some of the pedagogical tools that have been created at this stage of the project.